← Intersection'15 Conference Berlin, April 28-30, 2015

Nuria Solsona Caba

Conference Session

Align with customers, business and organisation

Thursday, April 30
10:30 – 11:15
Room 4

Nuria Solsona Caba
Lead Service Designer, Livework

Enterprises are generally understood as entities with three dimensions: the business, the organisation, and its customers. The challenge today is bringing these three together. Whereas businesses seek to remain competitive by becoming more customer-oriented, their internal organisations struggle to transform and adjust. Lack of internal alignment and silos prevent them from having a holistic view, which results in a fragmented experience and dissatisfied customers.

Seeking to align with customers' needs also requires alignment between the business and the organisation. At Livework we believe that engaging all three levels early on in any service transformation journey will ensure a successful implementation further down the line.

We'd like to present three case study that illustrate this:

Align with customers.

Thailand high-speed train. Service principles (2013)
Before they'd even laid the tracks, the Thai Ministry of Transport asked Livework to develop a vision for a high-speed train service that would guide architects, engineers and policy-makers in developing a customer-centred transport system. This was to precede all other development: building stations, procuring trains and employing the operating companies.
Working with the Thailand Design Centre (TCDC), we created a clear foundation for the future service system: ten service principles focused on customer experience, encapsulating a holistic vision for the future service.
From day one, Livework involved different stakeholders ensuring focus on the passenger instead of the train. This collaborative approach encouraged the government to take ownership and apply the "˜future passenger" vision throughout the development of the network.

Align with business.

JISC: Revolutionising academic publishing through collaboration (2014)
JISC is a not-for-profit UK company, specialising in the use of digital technologies in education and research. It's engaged in dramatically changing the way universities manage information and resources. With libraries going digital and publishing moving online Universities need IT solutions that will help them make the most of this opportunity and avoid the risks inherent in complex technology. Livework's co-design approach enables Jisc to move to a membership model by engaging their members in true collaboration and strengthening their relationship.
Livework employed mechanisms to ensure that everyone's voice is heard, facilitating efficient capturing, analysis and communication of participants' input to co-design activities.

Align with the organization.

TfL Service transformation programme (2012-13)
On the 150th anniversary of the creation of the first underground in the world, TfL asked Livework to join their efforts to help build a future service with customer focus that creates higher value for money by meeting (and exceeding) customer expectations and reducing the cost to serve.
London Underground faced enormous challenges in transforming their workplace practices and culture. Livework helped to design a six-month engagement programme that enabled 2,775 staff to give their views on how things should change.
The result was that frontlines were able to embrace a change that came with no surprises, as 50% had contributed with tangible ideas that could be implemented, such as identifying new staff roles for an improved passenger experience.